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The Composition Dietitian

Customized Food Coaching

Food & Nutrition Coaching

Want to change your body composition? I will help you get there.
Happy with your body composition, but want to increase your energy levels or address a clinical issue? We can do that too!

Guaranteed Results

You will reach your goals. Be prepared to make some changes, not only to what you eat, but also how you think about food.

Custom Plans

“Even if we all ate and exercised the same, we would still look very different.” This is probably the most important tenet of nutrition counseling. Your plan will be customized to your lifestyle, goals and preferences.

Learn How To Fuel Your Body Properly – Without Changing Your Busy Lifestyle

My approaches are evidence-based and sustainable. Extreme diets always backfire. To maintain your results, your changes must make sense for you in the long term. Head over to “RESULTS” to learn more, directly from my clients!

About Addie Claire

Registered Dietitian, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Originally from Charlotte, Addie Claire (AC) graduated from UNC Chapel Hill with BA’s in both Psychology and Spanish. She worked as an Intensive In-Home Counselor in Wake County before realizing that nutrition counseling was her calling. AC went back to school to earn her Masters of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics from Meredith College in Raleigh. After graduation and her Dietetic Internship year, she spent three years in Northwest Washington, DC as Director of Nutrition for VIDA Fitness.

AC’s triple specialization in mental health, nutrition, and fitness lends her a unique ability to help her clients change not only their diet and exercise habits, but also their overall relationship with food. After all- your relationship with food is the one you cannot end!

In her DC practice, she has spent hundreds of hours helping clients achieve all different goals. AC’s unique experience is invaluable to YOU in your pursuit of your goals.

My Approach

My first priority is making a plan that fits your life, not the other way around. Whatever you do to reach your goals, you’re going to have to KEEP doing it if you want to maintain your results. This doesn’t mean you need to be strict forever, or track your intake forever, but if you do something unsustainable, you will ultimately backslide over and over again.

My Process

We will take a deep dive into your history so I have a solid understanding of where you are coming from, both physically and mentally. I will review your current habits and make specific recommendations tailored to your lifestyle, family dynamic and activity level. We will also change your plan as we learn together what works best for YOU.

Unique Framework

No two clients are the same. You will get no “cookie cutter” meal plans from me. Every single template, snack list, and dining guide is customized to your specific goals and preferences. You will have access to me via text and email to tweak your plan as you go, and we will have video-Telehealth or in-person sessions to make the more significant changes.

How I Can Help

Whether you want to lose fat, gain muscle, feel stronger or perform better, I can help you get there!

Food Coaching

We will take a deep dive into your food and diet history. Your plan will take into account where you’ve been, in addition to where you’re going!

Sports Nutrition

My years of experience in sports nutrition can help you ensure that the way you fuel your body and the way you move your body are synergistic.

Vitamins & Supplements

My evidence-based approach won’t have you spending hundreds on unnecessary supplements. If we decide that it is necessary, I can guide you towards the most effective options.

Composition Change

I use a top-of-the-line body composition analyzer to monitor your progress. There will be no pinching or stressing over the scale.

Understanding your metabolism is the first step in learning how to fuel your body properly. Let’s chat about your goals!

What my clients are saying:

“My history with my weight and weight loss is something I struggled with before Addie. Not realizing I had a hormonal disorder and growing up on a typical Midwestern diet meant that the scale and waistband kept getting higher. Through meeting Addie, I have achieved so many things. I lost 13 pounds within about 9 months. The last time I had that sort of success I had made myself sick and it took over 18 months. However, Addie is helping to change my mindset with the scale. I’m learning about building muscle, losing fat, and that the number on the scale doesn’t define my worth.”


“Prior to seeing Addie, I had no idea what I was doing with my diet-  I was feeling my way through the dark, eating only what I felt like eating or thought my body needed.  I wasn’t tracking or had no clue what mixture of macronutrients my body needed. I’ve been able to achieve significant muscle gain.  I feel, however, the most important achievement I’ve gained through working with Addie is a new understanding of my body’s reaction when I eat, don’t eat, or splurge on rich foods. I’m learning diet isn’t about restriction but about planning, thoughtfulness, and having a guide who can explain to you what you are going through.”


“Prior to meeting Addie, I ate healthy and was active, but I was not attaining my weight loss goals. I did not understand the concept of macronutrients and was struggling to eat enough protein- every day. Addie helped me learn how to track macros and eat strategically  to accomplish my goals. She made it easy by providing a template for meals, a list of healthy snacks, and advice along the way to help me achieve my goals. I met with Addie for 8 months. During that time, I lost 5% body fat, dropped 7 lbs, gained muscle, and noticed significant body composition changes. I learned that body composition is just as important (if not more important) than weight loss.”


Get Coaching!

First, we will schedule a quick intake call so I can learn about your history and goals. I'll help you decide which package is most in line with your goals, and we'll take it from there!

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